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Improving community health & boosting local economies in rural Madagascar through soap making and hygiene education.

MSP is a non-profit organization that provides training in soap making and entrepreneurship to create economic opportunities for the rural communities that we partner with. MSP's mission is based on promoting the following UN Sustainable Development Goals:


3. Good Health and Well-being

MSP introduces soap making practice in regions of Madagascar with geographic and economic barriers to accessing high-quality, artisanal soap.


5. Gender Equality

MSP does not discriminate on a basis of sex, age, appearance, socio-economic status, religion, or anything else. We offer equal opportunities to all people and encourage woman and girls to enroll in trainings when they are offered.


8. Decent Work and Economic Growth

We foster the development and growth of community soap making associations in our partner communities to diversify and expand income-generating opportunities.


10. Reduced Inequalities

MSP works in communities that are among the most impoverished in the country. By creating a grass-roots soap making initiative, we take the manufacturing out of the factories and put it in the hands of the people. Our fair trade


12. Responsible Consumption & Production

Responsible Consumption and Production, Life on Lan. We teach that humans are stewards of this land. Any plants harvested for soap making will be replanted on a 1:1 basis.


17. Partnerships for the Goals

Our international team promotes Malagasy community development with cooperation from our international partners. Centre ValBio provides backbone support for MSP, from logistics and financial reporting to boots on the ground. UNICEF provides critical resources for our ongoing efforts in the Evato Commune.



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Heritiana Rafidimanantsoa

J'ai participé au concours MSP pour enrichir encore mon expérience et connaître mon niveau par rapport aux autre  concurrents. Mon inspiration est venue des instructions du concours, la première chose qui m'a vraiment inspiré à propos du concours  c'était la plante alors j'ai essayé de trouver un moyen de la représenter dans le logo. J'encourage les jeunes  à oser montrer leurs compétences dans les domaines qui les concernent et de continuer à utiliser leurs talents pour acquérir plus d'expérience. Et enfin,je souhaite à l'équipe MSP beaucoup de succès dans la réalisation du Projet, que vous aurez toujours de la force et de l'énergie. J'espère que le projet se déroulera sans vu heurts, prospérera et attirera plus de personnes Longue vie au projet MSP qui assurera la santé et la propreté.

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