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Writer's pictureChris Coulter

Allies for Lasting Change: An Impact Mission in the Atsimo Atsinanana Region.

In November 2023, the Madagascar Soap Project (MSP) had the honor of collaborating with the German cooperation GIZ Madagascar, to carry out a mission of crucial importance: a feasibility study for the establishment of artisanal soap producers in the areas of intervention of the PROSAR program. This programme, mandated by the Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) of the Federal Republic of Germany, has the ambitious objective of improving the food and nutritional security of vulnerable populations in the Atsimo Atsinanana region, in particular for 15,000 women of reproductive age and 5,000 young children.

Photo: A mother and her child in the village of Anilobe, Vangaindrano district, Atsimo Atsinanana region

 A Partnership for Change

Collaboration with the PROSAR program is not just another mission for MSP; It is a true alliance for a better future. Working together, we sought to understand how hygiene practices, financial education, and sustainable income generation could transform the lives of local communities. We travelled through the districts of Vondrozo, Farafangana and Vangaindrano, determined to provide concrete solutions to complex problems.

Photo: MSP teams looking for local resources in the village adapted to soap making and environmental responsibility.

Among the components of the PROSAR project, one focuses on addressing functional illiteracy and creating income opportunities, particularly through learning better financial management and addressing short-term debt practices, often exacerbated by a lack of knowledge and access to financial products.

For MSP, this partnership represented a unique opportunity to contribute to component 3 of the programme, which places particular emphasis on access to training on better management of financial resources and support for income-generating activities. Our mission has aligned perfectly with our commitment to promote hygiene and improve the living conditions of local communities through the manufacture of artisanal soap.

Photo: The daily life of the villagers: a mother preparing food for her family

 Tangible Results and Sustainable Impact

For 21 days, our multidisciplinary teams worked tirelessly with other collaborators within the project to assess the feasibility of local soap production and to identify sustainable solutions that meet the specific needs of communities. The results of this collaboration are up to our expectations and testify to the effectiveness of our intervention:

- Identification of Pilot Sites: We have identified potential locations to launch our activities, taking into account locally available ingredients. These sites will benefit from material and technical support, and local producers will be trained and encouraged to make the most of their achievements. 

- Creating Adapted Prototypes: We have developed soap prototypes, including laundry and household soap, made from local resources, demonstrating the viability of producing essential goods with locally available means.

- Resource and Market Analysis: An in-depth review of available resources and the potential market has refined our strategy to maximize the impact of our actions.

- The Profitability Study: By evaluating the costs and yield of the products, we were able to propose the implementation of sustainable Income Generating Activities (IGAs), aimed at being both efficient and beneficial to the community.

These accomplishments are not just technical steps; they are prospects for an improvement in the living conditions of vulnerable families in the Atsimo Atsinanana Region. Each soap produced represents not only a hygiene product, but also a step towards economic autonomy, a gesture of dignity and a symbol of reborn work solidarity within the community. Just like the traditional culture of the Malagasy during rice and field cultivation activities because this requires assembly line work.

A Call to Action

At MSP, we strongly believe that our strength lies in the diversity and expertise of our multidisciplinary team, which allows us to effectively respond to the needs of vulnerable communities. This initiative of shared action with GIZ is living proof that when forces come together around a common vision, meaningful change happens.

Photo: the day of the provisional report at the GIZ Farafangana headquarters (from left to right: Joviale National Coordinator, Cinthia-Administrative and Financial Manager, Christian Technical Assistant, Aubin Technical and Research Manager)

We remain open to any future opportunities for collaboration. If you have a project or vision that could benefit from our expertise, please do not hesitate to contact us. Together, we can continue to make a difference, and build a future where every action counts.



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